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Posts tagged ‘pfizer’

Showing 1-6 of 6 posts
Aug 13, 2013

Scientist announced this morning, the launch of MXIS (Market Exchange for Innovative Services), a virtual outsourcing platform for Pfizer...

Feb 19, 2013

It’s not hard to find articles, blog posts, or market reports these days that state contract research organizations, and outsourcing in general, is...

Feb 12, 2013

Although pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations operate in the same preclinical drug discovery space, working for the two...

Jan 29, 2013

Pharmaceutical innovation doesn’t just happen because a lot of money is thrown at it or the company has been restructured. It requires a setting...

Jan 15, 2013

Pharmaceutical innovation is a broad term that can encompass and affect any step of the drug discovery and development process, so how exactly are...

Nov 27, 2012

We are proud to announce that the Scientist scientific research exchange has just undergone a huge upgrade. Although much of the upgrade was...