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General Toxicology
Use in vivo models to assess acute and sub-acute toxicity as well as chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
Xenograft Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in cancer models using tumor cells transplanted from a donor of a different species.
Repetitive Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) Rat Study
Use rat models to determine the MTD of a drug candidate by repetitive administrations for 7 days.
Single Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) Rat Study
Use rat models to determine the MTD of a drug candidate by a single administration in a 7 day period.
Rat Tissues
Acquire fresh or frozen tissues including but not limited to those from the central nervous system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal system, integumentary system, reproductive system, lymphatic system, etc.
Rat Cells
Acquire fresh or frozen cells including but not limited to RBCs, WBCs, PBMCs, endothelial cells, T cells, fibroblasts, hepatocytes, splenocytes, etc.
Self Administration Study - Rat
Conduct a study to investigate the potential addictive characteristics of your compound in rats.
Veterinary Support
Lab technician and veterinarian services providing support for model organisms and animal husbandry.
Vivarium Support
Source procurement, housing, husbandry, and care of laboratory animals as well as designing, building and managing vivarium facilities.