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Bioinformatics is a powerful method of storing, retrieving and analyzing biological data.
Biomarker Clinical Utility
Evaluate the potential clinical applications of a candidate biomarker.
Biomarker Clinical Validation
Evaluate the predictive ability of a candidate biomarker for a disorder.
Discovery Computational Systems Biology
Model the interaction of biological system with drug candidates.
Bioinformatics Consulting
Consulting Services for the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data
Systems Network Analysis
Analyze and visualize molecular pathways including gene regulatory, protein-protein and drug-target networks.
Translational Biomarker Discovery
An approach to finding markers that change in response to a drug or that identify a group that responds favorably to a specific therapy. These can be omics, molecular, histologic, radiologic, etc.
Discovery Machine Learning/AI
Complex analytical approaches to find patterns and make predictions in drug discovery projects.
Discovery Data Science and Modeling
A process that helps make sense of your discovery data
Translational Machine Learning/AI
Complex analytical approaches to find patterns and make predictions in drug discovery projects.
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