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Examine by microscopy the anatomy of cells and tissues of clinical patients and animal models.
Examine the toxic effects of pre-clinical compounds in small animal and patient histological samples.
Use labeled antibodies to detect proteins or other antigens in cells or tissues.
Evaluate slide preparation of cells or tissues for abnormal features.
Antibody Detection
Quantitate, localize and visualize proteins and other antigens.
Digital Pathology
Acquire, manage and interpret pathology information generated from a digital image of a slide preparation of cells or tissue.
Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) Staining
Visualize microscopic structures in cells or tissues.
Blood Brain Barrier
Measure movement of drugs from circulating blood to brain extracellular fluid.
Huntington's Disease Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models of Huntington's disease.
Stroke Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models of stroke.
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