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Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Evaluate data collected during drug development to maximize the value of a therapeutic product.
Market Access
Find general strategies and methods used to market a pharmaceutical product or device.
Discovery Statistical and Mathematical Modeling
Use mathematical variables and equations to establish relationships between data.
RWE/HEOR/Market Access Data Analytics
Analyze clinical trial data.
Real World Evidence (RWE) Studies
Studies (prospective or retrospective) utilizing data obtained from "real world settings" , and is outside the tight controls of a clinical trial design.
Real-World Evidence
Acquire clinical data from patients' medical records to analyze trends and the frequency of occurrence of different medical conditions.
Systematic Literature Review
Summarizes the results of research (that meet pre-defined eligibility criteria for inclusion) and provides a high level of evidence on the outcomes assessed.
Health & Pharmacoeconomics
Identify, measure and compare the cost-benefit ratio of products and services.
Cost Effectiveness Analysis
Compare alternative treatments that lead to similar health outcomes.
Observational Research
Research method for documenting clinical, economic, and or humanistic outcomes of actual medical practice absent the constraints of a more formal experimental design. See also Pragmatic Clinical Trials.
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