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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by Fluxion Biosciences. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
Cell Based Assays
Apply compounds to cells and test for cellular phenotypes and effects on gene expression
Biomarker Services
Evaluating normal/abnormal biological conditions and characteristics within the body
Adherent Cell Culture
Grow monolayers of anchorage-dependent cells.
Bacterial Cell Culture
Culture and Grow bacterial cells.
Cell Migration Assays
Measure chemotaxis, haptotaxis, transmigration and wound-healing.
Single Cell Isolation
Isolate single cells for subsequent single-cell analysis.
Wound Healing Assay
Use cell-based assays to investigate cell proliferation, cell migration and wound closure.
Ion Channels
Use fluorometry, electrophysiology and radiometric binding assays to measure ion channel activity.
Evaluate the effect of a compound on heart electrophysiology and muscle function.
Invasion Assays
Monitor and quantify the ability of cultured cells to permeate real or artificial biological barriers.
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