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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by BiCell Scientific. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
Cell Culture
Culture primary or immortalized cell lines.
Antibody Purification
Purify multiple antibody types including IgG, IgM, IgA and IgY.
Antibody Products
Purchase antibody, antibody pair kit or ELISA kit.
Cell Transfection
Produce, package and optimize transfection of your siRNA or DNA construct.
Antibody Detection
Quantitate, localize and visualize proteins and other antigens.
General Toxicology
Use in vivo models to assess acute and sub-acute toxicity as well as chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
Cell and Tissue Histology
Prepare and stain frozen, fixed and embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.
Antibody Conjugation
Conjugate an enzyme, biotin, or fluorophore to an antibody.
In Vitro Monoclonal Antibody Production
Generate monoclonal antibodies in vitro using cultured antibody-secreting hybridoma cell lines.
Antibody based Assay Development
Create specific and sensitive assays for the immunodetection of disease-specific target antigens.
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