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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by ALPHABIOREGEN INC. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
Cell Culture
Culture primary or immortalized cell lines.
Adherent Cell Culture
Grow monolayers of anchorage-dependent cells.
3D Cell Culture
Use a scaffold-based or scaffold-free format to grow three dimensional cell and tissue structures.
Cell Transfection
Produce, package and optimize transfection of your siRNA or DNA construct.
Bacterial Cell Culture
Culture and Grow bacterial cells.
DNA Products
Find DNA products including gDNA, cDNA clones, vectors and constructs from mice, insects, yeast, bacteria and viruses.
Stem Cell Differentiation
Acquire specialized cells from differentiated stem cells.
DNA/RNA Extraction & Purification
DNA/RNA Extraction & Purification.
Explant Culture
Culture cells obtained from a part or parts of an in vivo structure.
Organotypic Culture
Co-culture different cells to enable in vitro growth of an in vivo tissue or organ equivalent.
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