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Howard University Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Core

Company Type:
Academic Core Facility

The goals of this Core Facility are to provide flow cytometry services for Howard University’s research investigators, and develop new applications. The core facility has one Becton Facscalibur Dickinson FCB4S.This two laser, 6 parameter, 4 color instrument provides both clinical research and basic research services, but is also available for use by research investigators. The flow cytometry is also equipped with CELLQUESTpro and Modifit. Cellquestpro is both data acquisition and analysis program operates in the Macintosh environment. Modfit is designed to analyze DNA histograms and it has advanced capabilities for aiding the user in handling background, aggregates and debris. The following services are provided by this Core facility: (1) User Access to Flow Cytometry Equipment (make sure trained); (2) Analysis of User-Prepared Samples by Staff; (3) Sorting (separation) of Sub-populations of Cells; (4) Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data; (5) Archiving of Flow Cytometry Data Files; (6) Presentation Graphics from Flow Cytometry Data; (7) Training in Instrument Operation; (7) Consultation in Assay Design. A consultation is required before initiating any new projects. The fee schedule is detailed below.

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Howard University Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Core
2041 Georgia Avenue Northwest Washington, DC, 20059 United States

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