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Concanavalin A, CF®633 Conjugate



This product is fluorescently-labeled concanavalin A (Con A). Con A is a widely used lectin that selectively binds to a-mannopyranosyl and a-glucopyranosy residues, found in the cell wall of yeast and fungi, and the cell membrane of mammalian cells. CF® dyes are Biotium's line of next-generation fluorescent dyes with advantages in brightness, photostability, and conjugate specificity compared to other fluorescent dyes. Far-red fluorescent CF®633 dye has excitation/emission at 630/650 nm.


  • Product Origin: Plant
  • Biological Origin: Lectin from Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)
  • Product Categories: Fluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other Conjugates>Lectin Conjugates|Cell & Organelle Stains>Cell Surface & Membrane Dyes|Microbiology>Yeast Stains