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Cardiotrophin 1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)


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CTF1 is the first HOX11 protein partner identified that plays an important role in hematopoietic precursor cell immortalization. CTF1 was found to protect a gene from silencing when its DNA-binding sites were interposed between the gene and the telomeric extremity, while it did not affect a gene adjacent to the telomere. Protein fusions containing the CTF1 histone-binding domain displayed similar activities, while mutants impaired in their ability to interact with the histone did not. Cardiotrophin-1 (CTF1) has been reported to act as a trophic factor for a few neurons, such as sensory, cholinergic, dopaminergic, motor and cortical neurons. Studies have indicated that CTF1 delays degenerative disease progression in motor neuron disease.


  • Purity: 98%
  • Category: Compound
  • Molecular Weight: Approxiamtely 49.5 kDa

Lead Time: 4 - 5 weeks

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