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IL-12 (p40/p35) Fc Fusion (lgG1), Avi-Tag, Biotin-Labeled Recombinant
BPS Bioscience
Human recombinant IL12A(p35): 23-328; IL12B(p40): 23-219, Genbank accession numbers IL12A(p35): NM_000882 and IL12B(p40): NM_002187, with a C-terminal Fc-Avi-Tag was expressed in HEK293 cells.
- Aa: IL12A(p35): 23-328; IL12B(p40): 23-219
- Mw: 87 kDa + glycans
- Tags: C-terminal Fc-Avi-Tag
- Format: Aqueous buffer solution
- Purity: ≥90%
- Genbank: IL12A(p35): NM_000882; IL12B(p40): NM_002187
- Species: Human
- Uniprot: IL12A(p35): P29459; IL12B(p40): P29460
- Shiptemp: -80°C (dry ice)
- Synonyms: Interleukin-12 subunit alpha, IL-12A, CLMF p35, IL-12 subunit p35, NK cell stimulatory factor chain 1, NKSF1, Interleukin-12 subunit beta, IL-12B, CLMF p40, IL-12 subunit p40, NK cell stimulatory factor chain 2, NKSF2
- Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
- Category: Immunotherapy/Protein
- Constructs: IL-12B(23-328)_IL-12A(23-219-Fc(lgG1)-Avi)-(Biotin)
- Description: Human recombinant IL12A(p35): 23-328; IL12B(p40): 23-219, Genbank accession numbers IL12A(p35): NM_000882 and IL12B(p40): NM_002187, with a C-terminal Fc-Avi-Tag was expressed in HEK293 cells.
- Formulation: 8 mM phosphate, pH 7.4, 110 mM NaCl, 2.2 mM KCl, and 20% glycerol
- Unspsc Code: 12352202
- Unspsc Name: Proteins
- Host Species: mammalian (human)
- Product Type: Protein
- Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
- Related Products: 100427, 101336, 101431
- Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C.
- Scientific Category: Immunotherapy/NK