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EC-17 free acid


- Open Babel Depiction O O HO O HO O OH N N H HN N O N HN O NH 2 O N H NH S NH


EC17 is a FITC conjugated folic acid, also known as Folate-FITC. It also acts as an FRα-targeting agent that fluoresces at 500nm. EC17 is a conjugate consisting of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated with folate with potential antineoplastic activity.


  • Cas: 583037-91-6
  • Purity: 98%
  • Smiles: Nc1nc2[nH]cc(CNc3ccc(cc3)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(=O)NCCNC(=S)Nc3ccc4c(c3)C(=O)OC43c4ccc(O)cc4Oc4cc(O)ccc34)C(O)=O)nc2c(=O)n1
  • Category: Compound
  • Molecular Weight: 872.87
  • Molecular Formula: C42H36N10O10S

Lead Time: 4 - 5 weeks

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