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1227342-50mg 1227342-10mg



- Open Babel Depiction N HO N H O CH 3 S O N


Rosiglitazone is an antidiabetic agent and a potent selective PPARγ agonist. It functions as an antidiabetic by binding to fat cell PPARγ receptors and inducing greater insulin sensitivity in the cells. It is reported to stimulate neuronal differentiation and proliferation. In angiogenic progenitor cells, Rosiglitazone promotes the differentiation of endothelial cells and inhibits smooth muscle differentiation.


  • Purity: ≥98%
  • Synonyms: Avandia, Rosiglizole, rosiglitazona, BRL49653, Gaudil
  • Cas Number: 122320-73-4
  • References: Fryer, L. G., Parbu-Patel, A., & Carling, D. (2002). The anti-diabetic drugs rosiglitazone and metformin stimulate AMP-activated protein kinase through distinct signaling pathways. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(28), 25226-25232. DREAM (Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication) Trial Investigators. (2006). Effect of rosiglitazone on the frequency of diabetes in patients with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 368(9541), 1096-1105. Wang, C. H., Ciliberti, N., Li, S. H., Szmitko, P. E., Weisel, R. D., Fedak, P. W., ... & Verma, S. (2004). Rosiglitazone facilitates angiogenic progenitor cell differentiation toward endothelial lineage a new paradigm in glitazone pleiotropy.Circulation, 109(11), 1392-1400.
  • Application: FA
  • Formulation: Crystalline solid
  • Chemical Name: 5-[[4-[2-[methyl(pyridin-2-yl)amino]ethoxy]phenyl]methyl]-1,3-thiazolidine-2,4-dione
  • Molecular Weight: 357.4
  • Molecular Formula: C18H19N3O3S
  • Storage Conditions: Product should be kept at -20°C.
  • Pubchem Openeye Can Smiles: CN(CCOC1=CC=C(C=C1)CC2C(=O)NC(=O)S2)C3=CC=CC=N3