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- Open Babel Depiction O O N CH 3 O N H O N H O O O CH 3 N O CH 3 O H 2 N O O H 3 C HO O O HO O OH O N H O N H H 3 C O O CH 3 N CH 3 N O


Mal-Phe-C4-VC-PAB-DMEA-PNU-159682 is a drug-linker conjugate utilized in antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapy. It comprises the ADC linker Mal-Phe-C4-VC-PAB and the potent ADC cytotoxin DMEA-PNU-159682. DMEA-PNU-159682 encompasses metabolites of nemorubicin (MMDX) derived from liver microsomes, as well as the ADC cytotoxin PNU-159682[1].


  • Cas: 2259318-54-0
  • Purity: 98%
  • Smiles: O([C@@H]1C2=C(C(O)=C3C(=C2O)C(=O)C=4C(C3=O)=CC=CC4OC)C[C@](C(COC(N(CCN(C(OCC5=CC=C(NC([C@@H](NC([C@@H](NC(CCCC6=CC=C(C=C6)N7C(=O)C=CC7=O)=O)C(C)C)=O)CCCNC(N)=O)=O)C=C5)=O)C)C)=O)=O)(O)C1)[C@H]8C[C@@]9(N%10[C@](O[C@@]9([C@H](C)O8)[H])([C@@H](OC)OCC%10)[H])[H]
  • Category: Compound
  • Molecular Weight: 1402.46
  • Molecular Formula: C70H83N9O22

Lead Time: 4 - 5 weeks

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