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PKCα (PKCalpha), GST-tag Recombinant

BPS Bioscience


Recombinant human PKCα (PKCalpha), full length, GenBank Accession No. NM_002737, with N-terminal GST-tag, expressed in Sf9 insect cells via a baculovirus expression system. MW= 103 kDa.


  • Aa: full length
  • Mw: 103 kDa
  • Tags: N-terminal GST-tag
  • Format: Aqueous buffer solution
  • Purity: ≥90%
  • Genbank: NM_002737
  • Species: Human
  • Uniprot: P17252
  • Shiptemp: -80°C (dry ice)
  • Synonyms: AAG6, PKCA, PRKCA, PRKACA, MGC129900, MGC129901, PKCα protein kinase c alpha
  • Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
  • Category: Kinase-Serine/Threonine/Protein
  • Background: PKCα (PKC alpha) is a member of the protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine- and threonine-specific protein kinases that can be activated by calcium and the second messenger diacylglycerol. PKC-alpha has been reported to play roles in many different cellular processes, such as cell adhesion, cell transformation, cell cycle checkpoint, and cell volume control(1). PKCα has been assigned to the chromosome region 17q22-q23.2 and has been identified as a fundamental regulator of cardiac contractility and Ca(2+) handling in myocytes (2).
  • References: 1. Coussens, L. et al. Science 233: 859-866, 1986.2. Braz, J. C. et al. Nature Med. 10: 248-254, 2004.
  • Description: Recombinant human PKCα (PKCalpha), full length, GenBank Accession No. NM_002737, with N-terminal GST-tag, expressed in Sf9 insect cells via a baculovirus expression system. MW= 103 kDa.
  • Formulation: 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25 mM DTT, 0.1 mM EGTA, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM PMSF, 25% glycerol.
  • Unspsc Code: 12352202
  • Unspsc Name: Proteins
  • Applications: Useful for the study of enzyme kinetics, screening inhibitors, and selectivity profiling. 
  • Host Species: insect
  • Product Type: Protein
  • Host Cell Line: Sf9 cells
  • Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
  • Assay Conditions: 5 mM MOPS, 2.5 mM beta-glycerophosphate, 5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA, 0.4 mM EDTA, 0.05 mM DTT, 2 mM ATP. Incubate PKCalpha with 0.2 mg/ml CREBtide peptide substrate and 50 ?M [33P]-ATP at 30°C for 15 minutes, then spot reaction on phosphocellulose paper, fix in 1% phosphoric acid, and assay with a scintillation counter.
  • Related Products: 40161, 40160, 40159, 40158, 78487
  • Specific Activity: 3075 pmol/min/µg
  • Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C.
  • Scientific Category: Kinase-Serine/Threonine