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MicroGEM PDQex ForensicGEM Universal DNA Forensic Extraction Kit From Tissue, Blood, Saliva, Bone and Hair For PDQeX Only, 100 Preps

Stellar Scientific


The MicroGEM Forensic DNA extraction kit generates closed-tube, hands-free purified double-stranded DNA from blood, saliva, and tissue that is ideal for high throughput screening and STR, PCR, and qPCR. You must have purchased the MicroGEM PDQex Nucleic Acid Extractor in order to work with this kit. Comprehensive cell lysis in 20 minutes Simplified, hands-off workflow with no purification steps Extracts DNA from samples in very small volumes and with very few cells Reduced handling protects the integrity of the sample Does your forensic work include bone? The Forensic Science Laboratory of the French Gendarmerie compared MicroGEM™s temperature-controlled PDQeX approach to regular bone preparation using a rotary saw and grinder. Using a fragment of bone from a burned body, the study demonstrated the PDQeX approach is much quicker, generating full DNA profiles in less than 2.5 hours compared to 6 hours using the other approach. The relative fluorescence intensity (rfu) was 3 times higher using PDQeX than the standard protocol. Please note: For cigarette, please use forensicGEM Universal with your thermocyler


  • Weight: 12 LBS