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PEBP4 Antibody (Center) Blocking Peptide



  • Format: Peptides are lyophilized in a solid powder format. Peptides can be reconstituted in solution using the appropriate buffer as needed.
  • Gene Id: 157310
  • Category: Peptides; Blocking Peptides
  • Subtitle: Synthetic peptide
  • Gene Name: PEBP4
  • Other Names: Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4, PEBP-4, hPEBP4, Protein cousin-of-RKIP 1, PEBP4, CORK1
  • Availability: 2 weeks
  • Bio Background: The phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)-binding proteins,including PEBP4, are an evolutionarily conserved family of proteinswith pivotal biologic functions, such as lipid binding andinhibition of serine proteases (Wang et al., 2004 [PubMed15302887]).
  • Bio References: Liu, H., et al. J. Biol. Chem. 285(29):21934-21942(2010)Rose, J.E., et al. Mol. Med. 16 (7-8), 247-253 (2010) :Trynka, G., et al. Gut 58(8):1078-1083(2009)Garcia, R., et al. EMBO Rep. 10(3):278-284(2009)Uhl, G.R., et al. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 65(6):683-693(2008)
  • Primary Accession: Q96S96