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Lucifer Yellow CH Potassium Salt



Lucifer Yellow CH potassium salt (LY CH potassium salt) is a widely used polar molecular tracer for studying neuronal morphology. The fluorescent molecule contains a carbohydrazide that allow the molecule to be aldehyde-fixable.    &lamba;Ex/&lamba; Em = 428/536 nm  Yellow solid soluble in water  Store at 4°C and protect from light  C13H9K2N5O9S2  MW: 522  [71206-95-6] 


  • Cas Number: [71206-95-6]
  • Product Origin: Synthetic
  • Product Categories: Fluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other Conjugates>Dextrans & Other Fluid Phase Tracers|Fluorescence Microscopy|Super-Resolution Imaging|Cell & Organelle Stains>Cytosolic Tracers