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Desmopressin acetate trihydrate


- Open Babel Depiction O H 2 N N H O HN O O H 2 N NH O NH O O NH 2 N H O O N O N H HN NH 2 HO NH HN O S S


Desmopressin acetate is a synthetic replacement for vasopressin, which reduces urine production. Medical use of Desmopressin acetate includes: (a) bed wetting; (b) diabetes insipidus; (c) nighttime urination; (d) clotting disorders.


  • Cas: 62357-86-2
  • Purity: 98%
  • Smiles: CC(O)=O.O=C([C@H]1NC([C@@H](NC([C@@H](NC([C@@H](NC([C@@H](NC(CCSSC1)=O)CC2=CC=C(C=C2)O)=O)CC3=CC=CC=C3)=O)CCC(N)=O)=O)CC(N)=O)=O)N4[C@@H](CCC4)C(N[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(NCC(N)=O)=O)=O.O.O.O
  • Category: Compound
  • Molecular Weight: 1189.32
  • Molecular Formula: C48H74N14O17S2

Lead Time: 4 - 5 weeks

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