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KRAS (G12D), Isoform A, His-Tag, GDP-Loaded Recombinant

BPS Bioscience


Recombinant human KRAS (GTPase), isoform a, encompassing amino acids 2-186 (end). In this construct the N-terminal end of the protein contains a His-tag (6xHis) followed by an optimal TEV protease target sequence that allows cleavage of the His-tag from the protein (TEV: tobacco etch virus cysteine protease BPS Bioscience #50308). The protein also contains mutation of interest G12D. The protein was affinity purified and loaded with GDP. Unbound GDP was removed by spin column.


  • Aa: 2-186
  • Mw: 23 kDa
  • Tags: N-terminal His-tag
  • Format: Aqueous buffer solution
  • Purity: ≥90%
  • Genbank: NM_033360
  • Species: Human
  • Uniprot: P01116
  • Shiptemp: -80°C (dry ice)
  • Synonyms: C-K-RAS, CFC2, K-ras, kRas(G12D), kRas, KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase, Kirsten Rat Sarcoma virus, NS, NS3, OES, RALD, KRAS1, KRAS2, RASK2, KI-RAS, K-RAS2A, K-RAS2B, K-RAS4A, K-RAS4B, c-Ki-ras, c-Ki-ras2
  • Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
  • Category: Ras Signaling/Protein
  • Constructs: KRAS (G12D) (His-TEV-2-186)-(GDP)
  • Description: Recombinant human KRAS (GTPase), isoform a, encompassing amino acids 2-186 (end). In this construct the N-terminal end of the protein contains a His-tag (6xHis) followed by an optimal TEV protease target sequence that allows cleavage of the His-tag from the protein (TEV: tobacco etch virus cysteine protease BPS Bioscience #50308). The protein also contains mutation of interest G12D. The protein was affinity purified and loaded with GDP. Unbound GDP was removed by spin column.
  • Formulation: 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM DTT
  • Supplied As: Aqueous buffer solution
  • Unspsc Code: 12352202
  • Unspsc Name: Proteins
  • Applications: Useful for the study of enzyme kinetics, screening inhibitors, and selectivity profiling. 
  • Product Type: Protein
  • Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
  • Assay Conditions: Assay was performed according to the KRAS (G12C) Coupled Nucleotide Exchange Assay Kit (BPS Bioscience #78004) with GDP loaded KRAS (G12C) (BPS Bioscience #100640) and GDP loaded KRAS (G12D) (BPS Bioscience #101312) titrated from 200 nM to 0 nM. Enzyme was incubated with SOS1; positive results show that SOS1 mediated exchange and subsequent RAS-Raf binding is successful.
  • Related Products: 100640, 100641, 100623, 100887
  • Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C.
  • Scientific Category: Cell Signaling Pathway