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Histone H3 (K27M), His-tag Recombinant
BPS Bioscience
Human Histone 3
(HIST1H3E), GenBank Accession No.
NM_003532, a.a. 2-136(end) with K27M
mutation and N-terminal His-tag, MW =
16.2 kDa, expressed in an E. coli
expression system.
- Aa: 2-136(end) with K27M mutation
- Mw: 16.2 kDa
- Tags: N-terminal His-tag
- Format: Aqueous buffer solution
- Genbank: NM_003532
- Species: Human
- Uniprot: P68431
- Mutation: K27M
- Shiptemp: -80°C (dry ice)
- Synonyms: Histone 3.1
- Warnings: Avoid freeze/thaw cycles. Storing diluted protein is not recommended, if necessary, use carrier protein (BSA 0.1 - 0.5%).
- Category: Methyltransferase/Substrates
- References: 1. Loyola, A., et al., Mol. Cell. 2006; 24(2): 309-316. 2. Khuong-Quang, D-A., et al., Acta. Neuropathol. 2012; 10.1007/s00401- 012-0998-0. Application Reference(s): Differential mode of antimicrobial actions of arginine-rich and lysine-rich histones against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (2013)
- Description: Human Histone 3 (HIST1H3E), GenBank Accession No. NM_003532, a.a. 2-136(end) with K27M mutation and N-terminal His-tag, MW = 16.2 kDa, expressed in an E. coli expression system.
- Formulation: 8 mM PBS pH 7.4, 110 mM NaCl, 2.2 mM KCl and 20% glycerol
- Unspsc Code: 12352202
- Unspsc Name: Proteins
- Applications: Useful as a substrate for methyltransferases or acetyltransferases and for screening inhibitors and selectivity profiling for drug discovery.
- Product Type: Protein
- Host Cell Line: E. coli
- Biosafety Level: Not applicable (BSL-1)
- Related Products: 52016, 52013, 52010
- Storage Stability: At least 6 months at -80°C.
- Scientific Category: Methyltransferase