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Fluo-3, Pentapotassium Salt



Fluo-3,pentapotassium is membrane-impermeant, but can be loaded into cells via microinjection or scrape loading.    Kd: 450 nM  &lamba;Ex/&lamba;Em (low or high [Ca2 ]) = 506nm/526nm  ε(506 nm) = 86,000 M-1cm-1  Orange red solid soluble in DMSO and water (pH >6)  Store at 4°C. Protect from light, especially when in solution  C36H25Cl2K5N2O13  MW: 960  [134907-84-9] 


  • Cas Number: [134907-84-9]
  • Product Origin: Synthetic
  • Biological Origin: N/A
  • Product Categories: Calcium Indicators & Chelators
  • Classified or Regulated Chemicals: N/A