ReadiUse™ 10KD Spin Filter
AAT Bioquest
ReadiUse™ 10KD Spin Filter is a disposable ultrafiltration device for the concentration of biological samples such as antibodies. Maximum initial sample volume is ~500 uL. It can be used in either a swing bucket or fixed angle rotors accepting 2.0 mL centrifuge tube at around 10000 g. The dead stop volume is ~20-25 µL. The vertical membrane design and thin channel filtration chamber minimizes membrane fouling and provides high speed concentration, even laden solutions. It is specifically designed with low internal surface and membrane area to achieve superior recovery from dilute solutions.
- Storage: rt
- Category: Filter
- Shipping: RT
- Unspec Code: 12171501
- Rphrase for Dangerous Goods Accord to Eu 67548 Ewg: R20, R21, R22
- Hphrases Ghs for Dangerous Goods Accord to 12722008: H303, H313, H333
- Symbol for Dangerous Compound Accord to Eu 67548 Ewg: Xn