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Phospho-LC3C(S12) Antibody Blocking peptide



  • Format: Peptides are lyophilized in a solid powder format. Peptides can be reconstituted in solution using the appropriate buffer as needed.
  • Gene Id: 84557
  • Category: Peptides; Blocking Peptides
  • Subtitle: Synthetic peptide
  • Gene Name: MAP1LC3A
  • Other Names: Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3A, Autophagy-related protein LC3 A, Autophagy-related ubiquitin-like modifier LC3 A, MAP1 light chain 3-like protein 1, MAP1A/MAP1B light chain 3 A, MAP1A/MAP1B LC3 A, Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha, MAP1LC3A
  • Availability: 2 weeks
  • Bio Background: MAP1A and MAP1B are microtubule-associated proteins which mediate the physical interactions between microtubules and components of the cytoskeleton. These proteins are involved in formation of autophagosomal vacuoles (autophagosomes). MAP1A and MAP1B each consist of a heavy chain subunit and multiple light chain subunits. MAP1LC3a is one of the light chain subunits and can associate with either MAP1A or MAP1B. The precursor molecule is cleaved by APG4B/ATG4B to form the cytosolic form, LC3-I. This is activated by APG7L/ATG7, transferred to ATG3 and conjugated to phospholipid to form the membrane-bound form, LC3-II.Macroautophagy is the major inducible pathway for the general turnover of cytoplasmic constituents in eukaryotic cells, it is also responsible for the degradation of active cytoplasmic enzymes and organelles during nutrient starvation. Macroautophagy involves the formation of double-membrane bound autophagosomes which enclose the cytoplasmic constituent targeted for degradation in a membrane bound structure, which then fuse with the lysosome (or vacuole) releasing a single-membrane bound autophagic bodies which are then degraded within the lysosome (or vacuole).
  • Bio References: Baehrecke EH. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 6(6):505-10. (2005)Lum JJ, et al. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 6(6):439-48. (2005)Greenberg JT. Dev Cell. 8(6):799-801. (2005)Levine B. Cell. 120(2):159-62. (2005)Shintani T and Klionsky DJ. Science. 306(5698):990-5. (2004)Tanida I., et al. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 36:2503-2518(2004)He H., et al. J. Biol. Chem. 278:29278-29287(2003)Tanida I., et al. J. Biol. Chem. 279:36268-36276(2004)
  • Other Accession: Q5JWU0
  • Primary Accession: Q9H492
  • Targetspecificity: The synthetic peptide sequence used to generate the antibody AP3301a was selected from the APG8a region of human Phospho-LC3 (APG8a) - S12. A 10 to 100 fold molar excess to antibody is recommended. Precise conditions should be optimized for a particular assay.