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The styryl dye RH414 is a fast-responding potentiometric probe that is primarily used for functional imaging of neurons. Excitation/emission data is for the dye in methanol. In cell membranes, the spectra of styryl dyes are typically blue-shifted by as much as 20 nm for absorption or excitation and 80 nm for emission.    &lamda;Ex/&lamba;Em (MeOH) = 532/716 nm  Orange red soluble in H2O or DMSO  Store at -20°C and protect from light  C28H43Br2N3  MW: 581.48  [161433-30-3] 


  • Cas Number: [161433-30-3]
  • Product Origin: Synthetic
  • Product Categories: Cell & Organelle Stains>Membrane Potential & Nerve Terminal Dyes