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DIO (DIOC18(3))



DiO is a carbocyanine membrane dye that has applications similar to those of DiI. However, DiO has green fluorescent emission and the lateral diffusion rate on the membranes is generally slower than that of DiI. DiO and DiI are often used together in dual color studies. Also see Neuro-DiO, which has better solubility in membranes and does not form non-fluorescent aggregates that can slow dye diffusion.    &lamba;Ex/&lamba;Em (MeOH) = 484/501 nm  ε (MeOH) = 150,000  Yellow orange solid soluble in ethanol  Store at 4°C and protect from light, especially in solution  C53H85ClN2O6  MW: 882  [34215-57-1] 


  • Cas Number: [34215-57-1]
  • Product Origin: Synthetic
  • Product Categories: Cell & Organelle Stains>Cell Surface & Membrane Dyes