As pharmaceutical and biotech research becomes more externalized, it is becoming increasingly important to know who is doing your research. Some...
The price of pharmaceutical drugs has been an issue of national debate for decades. As many blockbuster drugs face patent expiration in a few years...
As use of the Scientist continues to grow at a rapid pace, we thought it would be a helpful to offer a few 30-minute webinars in order to...
Mankind has historically tried a range of interesting treatments and medicine, whether it was leeches on the neck or a nice bottle of mercury...
At the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Atul Butte gave a talk entitled, “Translational Medical Discoveries...
Biology has never been so sexy. BioCurious, a 2,500-square-foot hacker space in Sunnyvale, opened in October with the idea that innovations in...
Science is reliant on new ideas to drive society forward and who better to look for that innovation than students? The International Genetically...
Locally based Scientist is offering the scientific industry a one-stop shop to find vendors and request bids, as well as software to manage the...
The presidential election season is upon us and issues from all spectrums are coming up. The issue closest to our heart is science. Our newest...
Stem Cells have been a topic of controversy for years. They provide a unique opportunity to address humanity’s worst diseases yet derive mostly...