Elena Simon is just an average teenage girl, one who enjoys dancing and acting, and plans on attending Harvard in the fall to study computer...
DNA has often been likened to a book, with a set of instructions written in A’s, T’s, C’s, and G’s. But even if the contents of the book are known...
Outsourcing drug discovery and development has become the key to making the entire drug research process more efficient. Over the past few years...
We recently talked about how Green Fluorescent Protein, restriction enzymes, and CRISPR are invaluable products of basic research. These...
The Fermanian School of Business and the Fermanian Business and Economic Institute held their annual Business Breakfast honoring the Dealmakers of...
Over the course of the last century we’ve had the age of antibiotics, the genetic revolution, transplantation and immunotherapy, each of which...
Offshoring is a term often heard within the CRO community from clients who seek to find the lowest cost provider for bioanalytical services. Rather...
There’s a new trend in the biotech startup world, and that’s the increasing presence of biotech startup incubators across the country. Many...
Scientist released a press release announcing it raised $3 million in Series B Funds to “Grow Science as a Server” Platform. Scientist is often...
Whenever it is announced that budgets must be tightened, it is often scientists performing basic research who are among the first to be called to...