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Black Lives Matter in the Life Science Industry

Black Americans are disproportionately hospitalized from COVID-19. One example of the way race disparities impact individuals’ health and healthcare.

Over the past weeks, has been working hard to listen, learn and implement short-term and long-term changes regarding diversity within our company and our industry. Our mission has always been to enable faster science with the hope of creating a more safe and fair world for future generations. As the global community has come together to fight COVID-19, it is just as important to now come together to fight racism, a social disease that has plagued our country for centuries. We are all responsible to listen, learn and come together in order to create a just society. understands that we are in a position that allows us to initiate change in the broader technology and life science industry that we occupy. We are working internally to focus on ways we can support diverse companies and implement inclusivity long-term. In addition, we will be committing a percentage of our social media content to promoting and educating our audience with programs and initiatives that support Black and minority communities.

Today, on Juneteenth, we start by compiling helpful resources that we hope will be shared among members of the life science industry. Historically, there has been a lack of representation in scientific research. The impact can be felt by researchers, patients and doctors globally as studies and treatments are limited in their abilities to treat diverse individuals. Everyone can work to educate themselves, donate to deserving organizations and support Black individuals at every step of their education. We have linked educational and activism resources below, and we hope that you can join us in our path toward greater equality.

Education and Information

Watch this first of its kind discussion with CEOs of biotechnology companies and leaders of BIO. Hear about their unique, powerful perspectives on being pioneers in developing medicines. Simply enter your email, it is free to watch.

“African-Americans do not hold life science jobs in numbers commensurate with their representation in the US population. The gap matters not just to African-Americans considering science careers, but to science itself.”

“It is time for life science companies to act on the issue of race and ethnicity and give equal opportunity to the immense talents that exist among these people.”

Research Centers

COVID Relief Funds

Science & Education Funds

We hope to continue to share information in coming months on our blogs and social media channels. If you have additional information that you would like to send us, please get in contact by emailing