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Top 10 Software Development Services for R&D

Labs Explorer on January 11, 2018

Software development includes all the process of computing programming, documenting, testing and bug fixing involved in the creation of a new software product. It consists basically of source code writing and maintenance. But, depending on what is required, software development can involve research, new development, modification, reuse, re-engineering or maintenance of the software.

A software can be developed for a variety of purposes and almost all scientific and industrial fields need specific software. For example, software is needed:

  • In prototype development to design and test an early sample or model
  • To analyze big data, in bioinformatics, in particular, you need specific software developed by multidisciplinary teams as you can see in our dedicated article about bioinformatics-related services
  • With the development of 3D printing, new software can be created to enable the modeling of more complex, precise and smaller forms used for aircraft, medical sector or manufacturing
  • In medical and pharmaceutical fields to analyze data in clinical trials for example.

This is only some examples of the applications of the large range of software development. It often takes times to find the software development service that corresponds to your specific needs. Here you can find a selection of services which can be useful for you.