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PhD and Young Researchers Associations in Germany

Labs Explorer on March 23, 2017

Here is a list of the Ph.D. students and/or young researchers associations or network in Germany

THESIS:THESIS e.V. is a nationwide interdisciplinary network of doctoral candidates and doctorate holders in Germany, founded in 1991.
Their Facebook page.
Their LinkedIn page.
Their Twitter account.

Max Planck PhDnet: The network of the Max Planck Ph.D. students
Their Facebook page.

VetPiG: the network of Veterinarians in Giessen
Their Facebook page.

DNW: The doctoral network Sustainable Business eV is a dedicated association of academics that organize targeted for sustainable development.

HU-Docs: The doctoral network of the Humboldt University in Berlin
Their Facebook page.

The Ph.D. Network: It is a cooperation between universities and research institutes from Germany and Denmark as well as the Inter-University-Center Dubrovnik in Croatia.
Their Facebook page.

Alumni Union of the University of Siegen

Their Facebook page.

DocNet: The doctoral network DocNet is an association of doctoral students of the University of Karlsruhe.