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TEDMED 2012 Talk Highlights Scientist

Colin Burton on September 25, 2012

A Scientist user reminded me last week of Atul Butte’s TEDMED 2012 talk, which showcases Scientist’s outsourcing marketplace. While speaking about the importance of data sharing and virtualisation of research in the pharma and biotech industry, he fondly showcases Scientist’s capability to outsource virtually any research service imaginable. The video is well worth a watch, even if you’ve seen it already.

Atul Butte is Chief of the Division of Systems Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. He is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, a researcher in biomedical informatics, and a biotechnology entrepreneur.

TEDMED is an annual conference focusing on health and medicine, that operates as a separate entity under license from the nonprofit TED conference.