Performing Drug Discovery From the Comfort of Your Home

There has been a lot of buzz about single-person drug companies running out of their own homes after a recent NPR report. Overseeing the whole drug development process requires great expertise, heavy reliance on outsourced services, high risk, and great persistence. Most people are uncomfortable with the burden of a few small projects at work, and they usually have the additional benefit of working side-by-side with other people. The lone owner at LipimetiX or GlycoSolutions are 100% accountable to their projects and their livelihood is dependent on their success. That is real pressure!
At Scientist, we absolutely love what these scientist-entrepreneurs are trying to do. In fact, we built our platform to help them succeed. Scientist’s web-based platform gives scientist-entrepreneurs two important new capabilities: the ability to custom create and purchase any research service and the ability to communicate with experts in any research area.
Whether you are comfortable trailblazing on your own or like working with a team of trusted employees, Scientist is there to help you find the perfect partners for your research needs. We believe that the ideal partner isn’t necessary in the region around you, whether it’s Boston or San Diego. There are excellent CROs that offer quality and reasonably priced services in many different areas of the world. Being your own boss is challenging enough. Use Scientist to remove the routine from research and access the drug discovery tools you need when you need them.