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LCMS Analysis
Physically separate substances using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Liquid Chromatography
Separate substances using a mobile and stationary phase.
NMR Structure
Determine molecular structure, identify chemical impurities and validate sample integrity.
High Resolution MS
Elucidate the sequence and structure of peptides, proteins, biomarkers and organic compounds.
MALDI-TOF Analysis
Use mass spectrometry technique to analyze compound, biomolecules and large organic molecules.
Nano-High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Separate and detect low levels of analytes.
Carbohydrate Structure Characterization
Use analytical tools to elucidate carbohydrate structure and physiochemical properties.
Carbohydrate Isolation
Obtain pure monosaccharides, pure polysaccharides or related derivatives from samples.
Study the structure biosynthesis and biology of carbohydrates
Carbohydrate Isolation Protocol Development
Design and optimize protocols for carbohydrate isolation.
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