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General Toxicology
Use in vivo models to assess acute and sub-acute toxicity as well as chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
Toxicology Data Review
Identify relevant toxicological endpoints for “No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level” (NO(A)EL) or “Lowest Observed (Adverse) Effect Level” (LO(A)EL).
Environmental Risk Assessment
Conduct EU and US Environmental Assessment (ERA/EA) phases one and two according to VICH guidelines.
Environmental Fate and Ecotoxicology Data Review
Identify relevant endpoints for fate and behavior (metabolism and excretion, degradation and soil adsorption) and toxicity (soil organisms, aquatic organisms, and dung fauna) of animal health products.
Environment Fate Studies
Evaluate the behavior of veterinary drugs and additives under controlled field and lab conditions.
Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) Reports
Develop and determine the Occupational Exposure Limit of a substance or compound. The OEL is the value which indicates the level of exposure to be safe in the workplace.
Occupational Exposure Risk Analysis/Assessment
Conduct risk assessment and analysis of any potential Occupational Exposure Risks that may occur during the manufacturing of compounds.