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Market Access
Find general strategies and methods used to market a pharmaceutical product or device.
Medical Writing and Editing
Communicate scientific, technical and health-related information to a range of audiences.
Real World Evidence (RWE) Studies
Studies (prospective or retrospective) utilizing data obtained from "real world settings" , and is outside the tight controls of a clinical trial design.
Real-World Evidence
Acquire clinical data from patients' medical records to analyze trends and the frequency of occurrence of different medical conditions.
Patient Treatment Patterns
Assessment of treatment processes and patterns within clinical practice.
Marketing and Commercialization
Identify, promote and prove the value of a particular drug to key stakeholders.
Post-Marketing (Phase 4) Studies
Conduct phase 4 studies for confirming unrecognized safety issues, investigating possible hazards or establishing the expected safety profile of a veterinary medicinal product under market conditions.
Communication & Advertisement
Distribution of a range of materials, through various communication channels, to highlight a message containing scientific-related topics
Case Studies
Recruit research participants with a behavioral condition to receive either an investigational behavioral intervention or a behavioral intervention in clinical use.
Create a quick visual representation of information, data or knowledge.
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