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Safety Pharmacology
Assess the impact of a therapeutic for human use on vital organ systems before first-in-man drug testing.
Machine Learning/ AI
Predict and model an outcome (e.g. disease progression) based on input variables (i.e. features.)
Discovery Computational Systems Biology
Model the interaction of biological system with drug candidates.
Structural Chemistry
Examine the relationship between protein structure and function.
Drug Drug Interactions
Determine whether a substance affects the activity of a drug when both are administered together.
Cytochrome P450s
Assess the inhibition or induction of the various isozymes of cytochrome P450s by drug candidates.
Hepatocyte Toxicity
Assess the cytotoxic effects of pre-clinical compounds on hepatocytes purified from patients and animal models.
Metabolite Identification
Identify drug metabolites that are formed after administration of drug to an animal model or patient.
Human Organs-On-Chips
Use Organs-On-Chips for target identification and validation, target-based screening, and phenotypic screening.
Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) Toxicity Assays
Use biochemical, cell-based or in vivo assays to measure toxicity from drug-induced liver injury.
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