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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by Phase Clinical Services. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
HBS: Human Biological Samples
Request human biosamples including tissues, blood, serum, bone marrow, tissue microarrays, etc.
Predictive Biomarkers Discovery
Identify candidate biomarkers suggestive of a response to a treatment.
Clinical Trial Design
Develop study-related protocols, case report forms (CRFs) and database tools for records management.
Clinical Research
Determine the safety and effectiveness of medications and medical devices.
Prognostic Biomarkers Discovery
Identify candidate biomarkers representative of disease progression without treatment.
Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers Discovery
Identify candidate biomarkers indicative of the therapeutic outcome of a drug-target interaction.
Paraffin-based Histology
Perform sectioning and histological analysis of wax-embedded samples.
Bioequivalence Studies
Assess the expected biological equivalence of two proprietary preparations of a drug.
Human Plasma
Acquire fresh/frozen normal plasma based on patient demographics and history.
Clinical Protocol Design & Development
Creation of clinical protocol document which details how a clinical trial is designed, relating to to the methodology, hypothesis, and operation of clinical trial to ensure the safety of the patients is maintained as well as maintaining the integrity of the data collected during the trial.
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