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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by Mario Negri Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
HBS: Human Biological Samples
Request human biosamples including tissues, blood, serum, bone marrow, tissue microarrays, etc.
Liquid Chromatography
Separate substances using a mobile and stationary phase.
Do large-scale experimental analysis of proteins focused on understanding structure and function.
Discovery Computational Chemistry
Model the interaction of a drug candidate with protein targets such as kinases, GPCRs, receptors, ion channels or enzymes.
Structural Chemistry
Examine the relationship between protein structure and function.
Protein Structure
Determine the three dimensional structure of a protein by NMR or x-ray crystallography.
Clinical Chemistry
Measure analytes in serum, plasma, cells, tissue lysates or other biological materials.
Comparative Pharmacology
Compare drug responses across species for improved reliability in translational studies.