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Cell Culture
Culture primary or immortalized cell lines.
High Resolution MS
Elucidate the sequence and structure of peptides, proteins, biomarkers and organic compounds.
Stable Isotope Synthesis
Label drug candidates with stable isotopes that simplify compound tracking and distribution studies.
Compound Purchase
Buy compounds, building blocks or compound libraries.
Drug Delivery Technology
Create microstructures that enhance drug metabolism properties.
Nanoparticle Synthesis
Create nano-level structures with unique features.
Nanoparticle Conjugation and Functionalization
Modify biomolecules to enhance structure and function.
Create artificial spherical vesicles that can be used as a vehicle for administration of drugs.
Silica/Polystyrene/Organic Nanoparticle Synthesis
Synthesize nanoparticles with distinctive composition, size, shape and surface chemistry.