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Detect the presence of antigens recognized by antibodies or find antibodies that recognize an antigen.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy
Examine the fine structures of molecules, cells and tissues with sub-nanometer resolution.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Examine the fine structures of molecules, cells and tissues with sub-nanometer resolution.
Ophthalmic Models
Test drug candidates in glaucoma, macular degeneration, keratitis, uveitis and CMV retinitis models.
Diabetic Retinopathy Models
Assess therapeutic efficacy of drug candidates in diabetic retinopathy models of disease.
Macular Degeneration Models
Use a single animal species to create one or more models for eye disease.
Ocular Inflammation Models
Measure ocular inflammation in models of eye disorders such as uveitis and keratitis.
Dry Eye Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints such as tear induction, TBUT, Schirmer strips (tear volume) and cornea staining.
Cataract Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models of cataracts.
Pigmented Rabbit
Use a single animal species to create one or more disease models for eye cancer.