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Safety Pharmacology
Assess the impact of a therapeutic for human use on vital organ systems before first-in-man drug testing.
General Toxicology
Use in vivo models to assess acute and sub-acute toxicity as well as chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
In Vivo Physiologic Monitoring
Monitor and collect data from conscious, freely moving laboratory animals.
Use implantable or external devices to study physiological parameters in model organisms
Implanted Telemetry Study - Rat
Conduct a study that allows the continuous collection of cardiovascular data following dosing of your compound in rats.
Implanted Telemetry Study - Dog / Canine
Conduct a study that allows the continuous collection of cardiovascular data following dosing of your compound in dogs/canines.
Implanted Telemetry Study - Monkey / Non-human Primate
Conduct a study that allows the continuous collection of cardiovascular data following dosing of your compound in monkeys/non-human primates.