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Drug Formulation
Combine substances including the active drug into a final product with the desired metabolic and therapeutic properties.
Polymorph Screening
Screen for unwanted API forms resulting from the drug formulation process.
Chemical Stability
Measure the stability of small molecules in solution.
Protein Identification
Uncover or confirm the identity of a protein.
Accelerated Stability
Determine shelf life of drug formulations by comparing API breakdown at elevated temperature.
Particle Size Analysis
Measure particle size distribution and characterize particle size, porosity and composition.
Drug Product Stability
Use accelerated stress conditions to determine degradation pathways and identify manufacturing issues.
API Physical Characteristics
Characterize physical and chemical properties of new drug molecules to develop safe, effective, and stable dosage forms.
Excipient Compatibility
Test excipients for drug formulation, effects of temperature, time, humidity, pH and light exposure as well as excipient release.
Real-time Stability Test
Assure stability and physical integrity of consumer products in real-time conditions.
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