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Medical Writing and Editing
Communicate scientific, technical and health-related information to a range of audiences.
Real World Evidence (RWE) Studies
Studies (prospective or retrospective) utilizing data obtained from "real world settings" , and is outside the tight controls of a clinical trial design.
Site Monitoring
Maintain oversight over participant's health during a clinical trial.
Ensure that each product or device complies with all FDA rules and regulations.
Systematic Literature Review
Summarizes the results of research (that meet pre-defined eligibility criteria for inclusion) and provides a high level of evidence on the outcomes assessed.
Observational Research
Research method for documenting clinical, economic, and or humanistic outcomes of actual medical practice absent the constraints of a more formal experimental design. See also Pragmatic Clinical Trials.
Case Report Monitoring & Auditing
Ensure the adequate collection and traceability of clinical data in preparation for review by the FDA.
Study/Site Feasibility Study
Explore and test study practicality.
Registries - Patient
Database containing, through utilizing observational research methods, standardized data about patients who have the same condition, disease, or exposure and is used to evaluate an outcome
Registries - Disease
Database containing, through utilizing observational research methods, standardized data about patients who have the same disease.
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