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Drug Formulation
Combine substances including the active drug into a final product with the desired metabolic and therapeutic properties.
Create antibody-based assays for the identification and quantification of specific antigens.
Detect the presence of antigens recognized by antibodies or find antibodies that recognize an antigen.
Test for effects on cell viability and proliferation
Cell Proliferation
Measure cell number, cell viability and cell division.
Apoptosis Assays
Detect apoptotic events that lead to programmed cell death.
High Content Screening
Analyze whole cells or components of cells with simultaneous readout of several parameters.
Epitope Mapping
Map the antibody-antigen binding region to define protein-protein interaction sites.
Antibody-Antigen Affinity Measurement
Measure the binding kinetics of an antibody–antigen interaction.
Hepatocyte Toxicity
Assess the cytotoxic effects of pre-clinical compounds on hepatocytes purified from patients and animal models.
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