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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by Beviglia Cancer Models, LLC. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
Oncology Models
Use model organisms to test the therapeutic efficacy of cancer drug candidates.
Immuno-oncology Assays
Use biochemical, cell based or in vivo assays to measure the activity of immuno-therapy targets.
Xenograft Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in cancer models using tumor cells transplanted from a donor of a different species.
Luminescence Imaging
Monitor biological processes and pathologies using reporter proteins such as firefly and Renilla luciferase.
Angiogenesis Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models of angiogenesis.
SCID Mouse
Use a single animal species to create one or more disease models for spontaneous and metastatic cancer and cachexia.
PBMC Humanized Mice
Study and evaluate compounds for infectious diseases and graft rejection.
Ovarian Cancer Mouse
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models of ovarian cancer.
Evaluate drug candidate in tissue graft or organ transplant model.
Athymic Mouse
Use a single animal species to create one or more disease models for cachexia and spontaneous cancer.
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