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Bioinformatics is a powerful method of storing, retrieving and analyzing biological data.
Machine Learning/ AI
Predict and model an outcome (e.g. disease progression) based on input variables (i.e. features.)
Data and Text Mining
Derive structured data from free text in order to become accessible for data-mining algorithms.
Discovery Computational Systems Biology
Model the interaction of biological system with drug candidates.
Database Integration
Convert bioinformatics results from multiple data sources (DSs) into a single operational format.
Biostatistical Design
Use statistics to ensure appropriate pre-clinical and clinical study design.
Scientific Data Visualization
Exploration and reporting of data by means of graphs and plots.
Cancer Systems Biology
Convert complex molecular data obtained from high-throughput technologies to deducible information.
Epigenomics Data Analysis
Quantify and analyze DNA methylation and/or DNA binding protein data sets.
Systems Network Analysis
Analyze and visualize molecular pathways including gene regulatory, protein-protein and drug-target networks.
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