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To better assist you with your request, please choose a research area provided by 3D Health Solutions. In case you cannot find an exact match, simply select any service, and our concierge team will swiftly address it once your request has been submitted.
Cell Based Assays
Apply compounds to cells and test for cellular phenotypes and effects on gene expression
3D Cell Culture
Use a scaffold-based or scaffold-free format to grow three dimensional cell and tissue structures.
General Toxicology
Use in vivo models to assess acute and sub-acute toxicity as well as chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
Using advanced CRISPR technology, add or delete base pairs at a specifically targeted DNA loci.
Inflammation Models
Measure therapeutic endpoints in animal models for inflammation.
Caco-2 Cell Permeability
Measure passive diffusion of drugs across Caco2 cell monolayers.
Toxicokinetic Analysis
Determine the drug concentration at which off-target or toxic effects occur.
Intestinal Permeability
Use Caco 2 and MCDK cells to assess mono-directional drug transport by passive diffusion in culture.
Cell Permeability and Absorbance Models
Cell Permeability and Absorbance Model assay.
Adsorption/Desorption Studies
Obtain data on groundwater risk assessment.
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