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Daresbury, GB
Company Type:
New Startup (0-1M TTM Revenue)

Our founders, Dr Carol Barker-Treasure and Bushra Sim, both had many years’ experience in the field of alternatives to animal testing and in the use of human cell cultures to predict product safety and efficacy. Over time we’ve established methods in XCELLR8’s lab for key safety tests including skin and eye irritation, skin sensitisation, skin corrosion, genotoxicity and cytotoxicity. In addition we’ve set up a number of key tests to demonstrate product efficacy and claim support.

We’ve always been passionate about sharing our knowledge of alternative methods with others, and since 2008, more than 300 industry and academic scientists from the UK and overseas have attended our training events in cell culture technologies.

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Daresbury, , WA4 4FS United Kingdom
Keckwick Lane Daresbury, England, WA4 4FS United Kingdom

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